BHS Presentation Services

Bakari Historical Service range of themes illustrated by collage of 1776 Black patriot marching with Gen. Washington contrast with Black women marching with protest signs in 1963 March on Washington.

From the march with Washington … to the March on Washington

After 154 years of British colonial slavery, discover how the march for freedom and citizenship rights began with Black Americans who marched on the Revolutionary War battlefields with General George Washington, to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and beyond. Explore and select from one or more of the themes offered by Bakari Historical Services.

Presentation Themes

Why choose BHS presentations?

Presentation value.

Harvey Bakari, the founder of BHS is a speaker who uses multimedia presentations to highlight the history and culture of African Americans. These presentations are engaging, relevant, and accessible to diverse audiences, from novices to history enthusiasts. Bakari Historical Services services are supported by 23 years of history museum experience in research, primary documents, and historical interpretation. However, the real value of BHS presentations lies in the way African American history is presented to audiences using diverse methods of engagement and interpretation, both in person and virtually.

Engagement & relevance.

To engage and broaden your audience’s knowledge and perspectives, BHS presentations may also include interactive historical interpretations, narratives, roleplaying, visual illustrations, demonstrations, and performances of African American and African diaspora cultures. Some presentation themes may include elements of storytelling, proverbs, sacred and secular music, songs, humor, dance, and instrumentation. Interactive presentations may include a variety of objects.

Bakari Historical Services public speaking, presentations, and webinars duration can range for 30, 60, or 90 minutes or more including questions and answers if requested.  See terms of service.